
is the length of the song–if you can measure a song in seconds–for which this blog inherited its admittedly cerebral title, stellar even, if I can so candidly pickpocket the brilliance beneath, or rightly shining down upon, Incubus’ endeavors.

I listened to this song twice, every night, for a year–and I’m not sure I’ve ever slept better.

this endeavor of my own will be indeed, my own.  but to isolate ourselves as some sort of impenetrable island is to be a desolate desert island–and my fiery friend Murphy will tell you as an islander, the treasure isn’t under the island.  so Incubus has my first nod, and one of admiration for that matter.  the title is a well written reference to the fluidity of movement between moments.  so be inspired–that’s the aim.

let’s build beauty.



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