a short list – actually just two things

odd I imagine, for what it’s worth (which is a phrase I’m rather fond of and make use of far more than requisite or even advisable). and the fragment. what a beautiful thing. but this and these statements are and will be tangential and decorative, as leaves to a vine–and that vein of thought is the few things fall brings and I anticipate.

there is a moment, so brief, of recognition when your truck’s heater is used for the first time after having been dormant so many months here in Atlanta. this moment, is a stupid moment of clairvoyance where your head assures your heart that the smell of the heater is that of melting spiderwebs and rust and dust; and you acknowledge your head in the way you would anyone or thing you intend to blow off and go off to make your own assumptions and decisions notedly without their opinions regarded–and decide plainly that this narrow second when your heater first blows warm air was a promise of some sort that your car has made you indicating that it will indeed continue to work faithfully in your service and also that it has missed your regular company and would like you to briefly reminise on the past winters you have fought alongside one another against that relentless wind and bite in the crippling world without such a companion outside.

another thing is a warm shower that actually warms. I had my first yesterday evening. I’ve been in and out of a clear, quiet lake in the smoky mountains since, well nearly since last winter, or ever since this past spring, and I am quite accustomed to the lake bath (ivory soap floats), and any number of medium hot showers after long days in the sun. they don’t do much and are mostly for posterity’s sake when someone has the gall to say how long it’s been since they showered and its expected that you give some semblance of a civilized response. yesterday evening however was a different story entirely. my toes and my extremeties in general were cold, very cold, and it had sort of snuck up on me in fact when I stepped into the shower. I was shocked as I tingled and thoroughly enjoyed the process of slowly warming up as the steaming water raked across my back. glorious. and to be looked forward to.

these and others as I come across them.



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