I’m inclined to believe…

I’ve said and rightfully so that if you aren’t growing–and by that I’ve intentioned and imagined the stretching of some sort of able-bodied or rather able-planted vegetation forth from the soil or cell walls and into that clean blue gradient streaked with cloud and colored light–that if you aren’t doing something resembling that sequence that you must, necessarily so, be dying–which of course involves the broken, head-hung withering and eventual absorbsion into that great decaying mass of chemical indifference.

but…I may have been wrong.

It has always been a point of internal contention I have hushed and hidden that has quietly pointed out that growing older and even growing old is still fundamentally “growing” and shouldn’t rightfully be characterized as dying if the two are to be set diametrically apart. So… dying is still a sort of growing… just growing down instead of growing up. And the remarkable thing that prompts me to write this is the realization that perhaps growing up or down isn’t all that is possible… that possibly we should consider growing “into” as a viable alternative to the naturally documented and assumed understanding of the circle of life. Now, before you hang me out to dry listening to the Lion King soundtrack, let’s just assume that I’m speaking more along the metaphorical, metaphysical lines of butterflies and termites rather than rotting fertilizer and corn on the cob or anything remotely resembling that diagram of the water cycle.

What if, instead of saying, “If you aren’t growing you’re dying.” the more true statement is, “If you aren’t growing into something more, you’ve been dying since the day you were born.”

Sunshine and rainbows. But startling in it’s clarity. There is something inside each and every one of us that knows that there is more.

We yearn for it and wish to become it within the same strange longing. I think it must be similar to the emotion attached to adoption or the opportunity to be adopted… the desire for family and to be family at the same time.

And so my clever ism is undone and the new reality must be inspected and interrogated. How dare you be true…what do you represent…how have you changed things…and so on.

I suspect my role is significantly altered and my responsibily trippled; but my immediate response is ambitious and eager so we shall see where we end up after chasing this thing down.

Thanks for the patience.


Via iPhone

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