deep waters, dark nights

its a funny thing, life exists between the pings of the metronome… and yet, we rely on pictures and status updates to document the subtleties that give memory texture.  the failure of language… I prefer it to the more common failure of picture or commentary.  I would rather tell a story over and over than show photos and re-read the listless narration of life documented before any perspective could frame the moment.  It’s why I write songs.  It’s why I write.  It’s why I tell stories every chance presented – so the soft light of the past can illuminate the present and give pause when we consider our futures.  Tell stories.  For God’s sake.  And your own.  And when you discover one, like a treasure buried in your past, sieze upon it and wrestle the emotion from the scant details so that you may breathe life into it again.  It’s the only way.

yours with humble gratitude for your patience and grace,


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