
I think it’s important to realize, before any other assumptions have the chance to crystalize, that the word Longing has the word Long as it’s origin; and originally nothing can be long, but only after time can longing be, “too long” or in this case, my case, “to long.”

I believe over time that words take on the sound of their definitions and as certain emotional responses become obselete, then in turn, the words die off and others assume their roles. And isn’t it true that to say, “I long” for someone has a deep sadness it carries even to someone without any understanding of english. I love the phrase both concretely and abstractly because it doesn’t require any response, emotional or otherwise. It’s an intrinsic human notion to yearn. And no one can rightly live without it. So tonight it rains. And the Earth is groaning. And it’s wonderful.


Via iPhone

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